mediainfotec is web streaming company in Hyderabad, India
Online Classroom

Mediainfotec Online Classroom

There are millions of web site companies wanting to be at the top position, but only a few web sites will make it. We know specific techniques that will make your project succeed. Codec software solutions has set itself to take care of your ideas shape them into reality with our expertise and innovative methodologies. Being a leading brand in web design and development solutions for the global market, Mediainfotec offers optimum service along with online business service. Our expertise in the field is time tested. Mediainfotec with its proven track records and repeat business establishes itself . Customised User Friendly Website Design Solution is our primary focus area. Understanding of user point of view is the essential and correct approach to deliver solution which will be globally accepted.. Before we proceed with designing, we keep customers usability behaviour at priority while designing a website. It is very critical to keep in mind the importance of identifying the target viewer and thereby optimising for usability and desirability. We develop the website that is easy to navigate and user friendly so that your customers keep coming these kind of skills we needed.

Mediainfotec online Classroom (Online Classroom on Net):

People : We believe that the most valuable resource we possess is our people. Mediainfotec is not just a gathering of highly skilled individuals, but a team. It is built not only on someone's exceptional skills, but rather on collaboration and teamwork. The most valuable resource that Mediainfotec has is the people. Throughout years of growth, owing to investments into training, scrupulous selection procedures, competitive benefits and appealing career possibilities, we managed to assemble a mosaic of motivated, loyal and highly skilled IT professionals. The effective work of Mediainfotec resides on collaboration and teamwork between all its members, each one perfectly doing his own job.

Customers : Mediainfotec is dedicated to its customers and partners. We believe that the most important factor of our success is the success of our clients, (and provide them with tools for successful business). Mediainfotec , both in idea and realization, is a client-oriented company. By supplying our customers with top resources and skills, we fulfill our main goal - add value to their businesses through knowledgeable application of information technologies. Because we work closely with and for our customers, we are successful only when our clients succeed.

Quality : We pay special attention to the quality assurance of the products and services we deliver. We believe that this is the best way to make products work as effectively as possible. Our clients can rely on our products working stably and as designed because we put an emphasis on quality assurance as a key factor in project success. By investing into quality assurance, we invest into our customer's business stability, and thus - value.

Mediainfotec online Classroom arcive:

Offline Desktop Lecture recording version allows you to download Mediainfotec online Classroom application which provide Mediainfotec online Classroom offline on your desktop. Even when you're not connected to the Internet. You can still experience the rich interactivity recording System. Create standalone recordings to post to a digital Library or distribute on CD-ROM. Teacher can create or record Live Lecture session on their computer offline.



1. Crystal-clear, full-duplex voice over the Internet
2. PowerPoint presentation broadcasting
3. Synchronous whiteboards
4. Many-to-many high-quality video conferencing even at lower bandwidths
5. Application and desktop sharing

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